Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Best Callorie burning Exericise



Human being needs food or nutrients to perform various functions and activities in the body and to lead a healthy life. Include proteins, fat, fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are chemical substances which are present in the food we eat daily. The foods containing these nutrients which we consume daily are classified as cereals, legumes (pulses), nuts and oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products and flesh foods (fish, meat and poultry)
human needs all these nutrients, energy, proteins, vitamins, fibers, minerals in different amounts to grow, live and thrive. Since man derives all the nutrients he needs through the diets he eats, his diets must be well balanced to provide all the nutrients in proper proportions. In planning a diet for the community, foods have to be chosen in proper amounts to provide all the nutrients in required amounts and also keeping in view the dietary habits and availability of foods.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

National Personal Training Institute Skip to content Become a Personal Trainer

Interested in becoming a personal fitness trainer, exercise consultant or an overall fitness professional? Personal trainer education and fitness instructor vocational training from the National Personal Training Institute gives you one of the best fitness educations and provides you with the confidence to become a top-notch Personal Trainer, prepared to enter the workforce!
The National Personal Training Institute teaches comprehensive fitness courses designed to further your knowledge in areas such as body building, exercise physiology, weight management, weight training and personal training.